Thursday, June 5, 2008

Getting around on the cheap !

(this is a repost from Facebook)

While Beijing is still cheaper than Shanghai or certainly Hong Kong, for example, the cost of living continues to zip higher and higher.

A lot of this has to do with inflation, with some food prices doubling or tripling over just a few years ago! Real estate speculation and the Olympic crunch is making housing more expensive too..

But thankfully transportation is still cheap ! In an effort to keep transport green and efficient, the government lowered subway fares to just 2 yuan (about 30 cents U.S.). With the new extensive subway lines, this is a good deal...

Even better, if you just want to get from A to B, is take the bus ! Bus fares, using a prepaid IC card (also works on the subway) is just 0.40 yuan.. that's, hm.. less than 6 cents !!

Anything even more economical than that ? Bike it ! Parking your bike at a watched bike parking lot will set you back 0.20 yuan.. about 3 cents.

Of course, if you're dealing with Beijing's occasional "inclement weather" (sandstorms and whatnot) you can always splurge and spring for one of the city's ubiquitous taxis.. they start at 10 yuan.. that's only about $1.40...